A Mother’s Season

We often hear that it takes a village to raise a child/ren. The deeper I get into Motherhood, and parenting, the more I realize the village is for the Mother. 

The amount of love, and patience, and endurance required to be a Mother is infinite but where does it all come from? How do we continue to pour our love and patience into this never ending well of need?


I think it comes from connecting with others; relating, sharing, being with likeminded individuals while we walk similar paths. There is something so wholesome when women gather and I think there is so much replenishment when we specifically connect over the journey of Motherhood.

So, why don’t we just hang out more? Well my friend, there are so many reasons:

Not knowing where to start ie. isolation / lack of motivation
Not feeling there is a space to go ie. lack of community / accountability
The additional responsibilities and demands of Motherhood
Forgetting to put yourself on the priority list

A few weeks ago, I was talking about priorities and I verbalized mine as:
My son
My relationship with my husband
My career

Within seconds, I realized that I didn't even include myself. I should, in fact, be the first on the list because if I am not prioritizing myself; my needs and wants, then I am journeying down a path of depletion, and no one else will do it for me.

I want to be clear that the needs I’m speaking about are not your basic survival needs like showering, eating and sleeping. These needs are imperative to your existence, whether you’re a Mother or not. The needs I speak of are what replenish your energy and zest for life- how you fill your cup in order to give more of yourself to your other priorities.

Since becoming a Mother, I’ve been feeling the need for a space where Mothers can gather, connect, laugh, cry, share and learn with each other.

This longing I have is more than just hanging out. I want to create a space that is intentional- A space where we can hold each other accountable to keep showing up FOR ourselves. A space where womens health and wellness is a priority. A space to un-learn less than helpful qualities and/or coping mechanisms, and have the opportunity to learn or re-remember healthy ways of existing, specifically as a Mother.

This is why I created a 10 month program called A Mother’s Season. I want to create an intentional village for Mother’s as they move through the seasons of their life. This container is for ALL Mothers regardless of what phase you are in - newborn, toddlerhood, childhood, pre-teen, teenage and adulthood-because it’s about YOU.

The way the schedule is set up for A Mother's Season is so that you can plan to prioritize yourself. The dates and times are set so you can just show up- once a month- for yourself. 

You are committed to keeping your name on that list!

With the first gathering on September 28th, I've planned 9 workshops for a well rounded deep dive. Each month, we will have a different women's health professional come speak and educate about their scope of support. The last month will fall on the Summer Solstice, and we will celebrate the immense connection and growth that we have prioritized within ourselves and each other.

Each month builds upon itself and so I recommend committing to the FULL program. The value of each workshop along with the group dynamic will make for the most potent outcome of self discovery and replenishment. I recognize that life may not offer that availability so we have opened up drop in options, as space permits. These drop in’s must be registered in advance.

September 28, 2023 - The Power of Desire with Nicky Yates and Ashley Lougheed September is introductions and defining your WHY.

October 26, 2023 - Demystifying the Pelvic Floor with Jessica Doig and Nicky Yates
October is all about the mysterious pelvic floor group of muscles.

November 23, 2023 - The Human Design with Heather Beresford
November's gathering will educate us on what exactly is The Human Design and supply you with a concrete map to the nature of your being and how to use this as a parenting tool.

December 14, 2023 - Find your Calm with Nicky Yates
December will offer you the space to embody nervous system regulation through the practice of Restorative Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Pranayama.

January 18, 2024 - Womanly Wisdom with Dr. Kendra Reid
January's gathering will be all about the whirlwind of hormonal changes within a postpartum woman's body and speak to the crucial role that nutrition plays in our day to day lives.

February 15, 2024 - Spark of Life with Deslee Denne
February will take us on a journey into the womb learning how to physically, spiritually and energetically connect to this special place within us all.

March 21, 2024 - Skin Rituals with Nicole Bishop
March is all about moving from routine to ritual, through the practice of skin care.

April 11, 2024 - Healing Harmoniously with Lisa Pelletier
April will be a deep dive into the complexity of relationships viewed through the postpartum lens. We will be speaking about intimacy, the mental load, loss of identity and communication challenges.

May 16, 2024 - Expect More with Lindsay Rowe
May is all about finances. Lindsay Rowe is a Licensed Investment Advisor who will speak about the importance of creating a financial plan, and taking control of your financial future.

June 20, 2024 - Growth Snap with Kimberly Vincent
After 9 months of connecting and redefining what Motherhood is to you, we will celebrate the re-birthing of YOU through a mini photoshoot. Come as you are. These photos will be a tangible way to visually see your growth and a special keepsake of your time within A Mother's Season.

What is Included:
- 10 specialized workshops taught through the postpartum lens, including ALL supplies needed.
- An intentional village of supporters.
- A comprehensive coursebook to make your own.
- Additional support and connection through A Mother's Season social platform

The Early Bird INVESTMENT is $750+hst until September 14th.
Full INVESTMENT after Sept. 14 is $850+hst.
*** There are payment plan options. Please email me if you wish to register via a payment plan OR wish to drop in ***

I’ll finish here with a few quotes that I love about the seasons of life:

“Every season is one of becoming, but not always one of blooming. Be gracious with your ever-evolving self.” — B. Oakman

“There are years that ask questions, and years that answer.” — Zora Neale Huston

“Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible.” — Mandy Hale

I’m so excited for this next season with you!


Equanimity: Finding Balance in the Midst of Life's Storms